Our project calendar includes both mobilities and local activities:
November 2021 - Karviná (CZE)
March 2022 - Granada (SPA)
May 2022 - Larnaca (CYP)
October 2022 - Šiauliai (LTU)
March 2023 - Buzau (ROM)
May 2023 - Larnaca (CPY)
Here you can find the plan of our local activities for the first 4 months of the project:
September 2020: P1: Presentation of the project to pupils and teachers, creating project teams
P2: Creating a webpage
P3: Logo competition
P4: Starting eTwinning cooperation
P5: Creating a facebook page
October 2020: P6: ErasmusDays events
P7: Eco - field trip
P8: Project magazine 1
November 2020: P9: Evaluation activity after the meeting in the Czech Republic
P10: Dissemination events
P11: Local activities - workshops, basic research
P12: Interviews, discussions with people from environmental NGOs
December 2020: P13: Videomeetings
P14: Christmas greetings

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.